Tag Archives: Scottys virtual travels

ScottyBro & the Soccer God’s in RIO

28 Sep

ScottyBro on Copacabana Beach sept28 2013This trip was always going 2 b a freakin Pilgrimage, NO! Scotty’s not a religious guy, he just promised his mate’s back in Scotland that  when he was on Copacabana Beach in RIO ,that he would face the “Christ the Redeemer” statue, he would on behalf of the “TartanARMY” pray 2 the Soccer GOD’S 4 some devine intervention on the behalf of the poor misguided Soccer nut;s, clad in their finest Regalia they have freakin tried everything else sadly 2 no avail, BUT one thing that Scot’s come loaded with is that their not cheap on the Stubborn side,, Anyhooooo! what is there 2 lose, we love the ADDventure yuk! yuk! SHOOT! we SCOT’S have been in every nook & Cranny of this freakin world,  SO! we need2 get back 2 the “BIG SHOW”.


ScottyBro with Bonny Hills

14 Jul

ScottyBro& BonnyGill april18 2013


29 Mar

ScottyPIPERmar29 2013Ache AYE!  the “TartanARMY” is packing their bag’s, (SOB!)……& PUTTING THEM BACK IN THE CLOSET, NAE WORLD CUP AGAIN.  the “Flower of Scotland” will not be resonating in the stand’s in Brasil 2014, WHATTA FREAKIN SHAME!   NOW~ were back 2 square ONE, let’s hope that Gordie Strachan has a lot of Square peg’s 2 fill them,