8 May


Aside 8 May

ImageBelieve it or not, the weeDEVIL in us is ready 2 freakin BREAKOUT! @ Last I believe that the friggin  “WinterFromHELL” is over????….Laddydaaa, NOW! it’s time 4 the real show, the Devil in me cant wait 4 the open road, Bro! can u imagine a season of the magical smell,s of the fraternity, u know! Oil,Gas,Leather, Bugspray,Money,Suntan Lotion’ IT’S TIME 4 SOME RUBBER “DONUTS” YO!!!!



7 May

14 04 24 Narley HARLEY BIKERChug WILLS  is a NarleyHarley Layback Custom CHOPPER guy, he has just finished  building his BadASS partner, it was a project of love, with a helluva lot of Fffffffffffffffs along the way, SHOOT! this wassa friggin dragged out head games, and just 2 stand and admire her BadASS rearend, WHATTA “GIG”  BRO!



6 May

14 05 04 BEAVER LUNBERJACK 2Buddy the Beaver just had 2 scratch his head, then laugh, WHEN! he heard that a Logging spokesman had blamed Beavers 4 the damage that a fractured Beaver Dam had done down river. As usual there are 2 side’s 2 each CRISIS!……of course we Beavers have a very different opinion than the Logging Community’s, LOGGING into the Social Network Buddy was able 2 get the information on the “FAQ?-LINE” & the Bottom line is that  WERE RIGHT & their “WRONG”  A-G-A-I-N!!!!! 


16 Apr

14 04 16 BadASS BIKERWhen u lite up the freakin “PASSION” the colors will follow Bro! All u need is a wee spark. THEN! feel the Good Vibration’s as they CARess! Ooooop’s I mean BIKEroo your ASS!  with a little throttle the blood will flow 2 the extremities AAAHHHH!  when all the sensores r inline, that’s when the Brain takes u 4 a Friggin RIDE!  “T-H-E-N”  the Leather leaves the road & the Rubber hits the ASSfelt  YEH!  Shoot! it’s been a freakin Long Winter,  get yer ASSINGEAR!………..Enjoy the 2014 GIG!


3 Apr

14 04 03 Sara Chuck & BodyBUILDERT he story goes like this, Sara was lying on the beach minding her own business, u know harvesting the sun’s ray’s, WHEN! outta the blue she heard this wishy washy sound, in the remnants of a beautiful Snooze!  YAWN?…after a wee recovery time  she looked up 2 see  this self  annointed GOD of vanity, he was proposing that we should  “Hook UP!” huh?, & share the Lotion, Bro!,  ALAS! in the world of Beach ettiquatte  he was lacking BIGtime, he was loaded with poor ASS!essment  Skills, THIS IS not the first time that this has happened 2 her, SO! she carry’s a supply of preservation Lotion,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,M-A-C-E!  As he was going through his selling pitch, & she was getting ready 2 annoint him, she saw her Boyfriend Chuck coming back with a drink 4 her, AHHHHH! she sighed, perfect timing, I can introduce him 2 CW in 3-2-1  SIR-PRIZE!…..needless 2 say, this was a very brief exchange, Our hero was in the process of swallowing his tong, when his real talent took over, u gottit! FLIGHT!!!   Later that day Sara & Chuck saw our hero lying in the shade with an Ice Pack on his face, I guess he ran out of Luck, apparently he had been trying 2 impress a group of BeachBABE’S with his so called “Six Pack” when outta the group this Blonde Bombshell Bodybuilder left an impression on his face, she introduced him 2 a High FIVE Sandwitch, You know what they say about keeping our Beaches clean, yuk!yuk!.



18 Mar

NEED A WATCHDOG2march18 2014


IT’S MARCH 17th. A TIME 2 think BIG!

17 Mar

ST. PATRICKS DAY4 march17 2014



10 Mar

SouthBURGERSmarch10 2014


10 Mar

INTHE BEGINNIG ConastogaWAGONmashr10 2014